Getting Lorem Ipsum Text

Sooner or later as a professional writer, you are going to need to prototype something.  Just blocking it out and putting down blah, blah, blah, will only get you so far.

What you really need, is a way to look at some text with line breaks and paragraphs, and maybe even some bold, or other formatting, in order to really get an honest feel for what your final product will look like.

You can always just copy and paste something from somewhere else, but there is the chance that whatever it is will distract you from looking where you or someone else who is helping should be looking which is at the overall appearance, and not at actual words.

To meet this challenge, publishers and desktop publishing people use something call Lorem Ipsum which is some pseudo-random Latin text that can be used to fill in your template so that you can look at real looking words and text and lines, without actually having the distraction of real text.

One of the best ways to get Lorem Ipsum text is via where you can not only just find Lorem Ipsum, but get it generated according to what you might need.  Anything from 3 paragraphs, to 500 words, can be cranked out in seconds.

The best part is that it is free and doesn’t require any registration or other hassles to get.

Trust me, if you are a writer, add this site to your bookmarks and tag it “lorem ipsum” because someday, you are going to need it and this way you won’t waste a bunch of time finding it.

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