Freelance Writer Needs Coffee, Twitter Optional

This morning started off kind of slow. I woke up with a headache. It was not one of those headaches you get in a general region like the front or back of your head, but one of those headaches you get in a specific spot. It’s the kind of headache that makes you think that maybe there is a problem right there, like you are having an aneurism or something.  (Nice job on aneurism, SpellCheck. – It can be spelled with an ‘i’ or a ‘y’.)

freelancer-coffeeFrom there, everything was normal, but the coffee wasn’t kicking in even though I got enough hours of sleep last night.

I jumped over to Twitter and searched for “coffee” and re-tweeted some of the ones I liked.

Then, I followed some new people based on more than a handful of their tweets being either:

a) About coffee


b) Insightful


c) Entertaining

Hopefully this leads to both more amusement from Twitter and, perhaps, some more followers for me as a freelance technology writer.

Social Networking for Freelancers

There is less of point here, this morning, that you might like, but here it is. Social networking, social media, or social marketing – whatever you want to call it – is useful for freelance writers and other freelancers, but it doesn’t have to be all business. In fact, it social networking on Facebook or Twitter works much better if it is NOT all about business. That makes it both useful AND fun to follow you, which is necessary if you want to attract and maintain followers without being some sort of actor or singer or nude model.

The trick is to be all of those things without cutting into your “real” work and doing so consistently.

I will be honest; at this point in time, I do not put much effort into social marketing for my freelance writing business.  It isn’t that I can’t or don’t know how, it’s that I don’t find much joy in it. And, if you are going to go through the extra effort to work for yourself while working from a home office, you better enjoy most of what you do. Otherwise, you’re a sucker working without benefits for no reason.

I jokingly tweeted about whether or not searching for coffee tweets and re-tweeting them counted as working. It probably doesn’t. However, combined with a blog update, a few more links for Google’s spider’s to chew on (Thanks Windows Live Writer auto-link feature), and getting the creative juices flowing, it turns out that tweeting about coffee can be work for the properly equipped freelancer.

Good writing, to you all.

Image courtesy of Microsoft Clipart at

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