Hiring Freelance Writers The Wrong Way

I’m trying to install the beta version of Windows Live Writer without getting that seaport.exe service plastered all over my computer, while at the same time trying to test Internet Explorer 9 beta, and uninstalling the memory hogging Zimbra client, so I’ll keep this short.

This morning while all of the above were busy downloading, waiting, or scanning, I was reading through my RSS feeds when I came across this post from the guys over at Freelance Switch. Don’t get me wrong, it’s nothing new or earth shaking, but it is a rare day indeed that someone else publishes something that gets the indignant sarcasm to hit pretty much the same note that it plays in my own mind. This faux-response letter to all of those no-pay “job” postings does just that.

Read, enjoy, and move one. The beast is what the beast is; you can’t change it’s nature. In the meantime, rest assured that the writing they do get is substandard, that the world (or Google) will eventually wise-up and figure out how to do something about it, and the thousands of hours spent laboring on junk will fall into its rightful place in the dumpster. Until then, there are plenty of quality websites, publications, and media outlets that pay for well-researched, quality, freelance writing. Find them and work with them.

Good day to you, sir.

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