Like My Posts? I do. Facebook Button Update

image Have you added the Facebook LIKE button to your website or blog yet?

Multiple big name websites, respected media outlets, magazine websites, and more have added the Facebook code snippet that publishes a "Like" button on your stories or websites. I even added them here on the freelance writing blog, although I did not add them on the ArcticLlama freelance writing business website. Having like buttons all over a professional business website just didn’t seem the way to go.

I also added the new LIKE button, which can also be set to display RECOMMEND instead, to some of my other websites that I will now shamelessly plug in the spirit of this post (You’ll see what I’m talking about in a minute.) The LIKE button is part of Facebook’s F8 initiative which before the whole Facebook privacy debacle drowned it out was supposed to be the amazing Internet changing Google killer. It isn’t really turning out that way, but the technology writers have moved on to fresher ground, like the new Apple iPhone 4 which is a major Google killer…um, wait a sec–

Adding the Facebook like button to websites such as my parenting skills from Dad website at Undefeated Daddy was easy. Like many of my sites, my personal financial tips website and my site dedicated to helping people make money by writing online, are build on the WordPress platform.

For those of you not familiar with WordPress, it is an open-source blogging platform that allows writers to focus on writing and WordPress handles everything else like formatting what that writing looks like on a webpage when someone reads it in a web browser. This writing blog is published on WordPress and I am continuously searching for the best WordPress theme for writers but haven’t had much chance to try them out lately.

Click Like on Facebook Button

Ironically, many of my readers are apparently not the click the Like button types. Most of my posts go unloved in the like realm. That isn’t a focus of mine, and I’m not sure if it has any value considering the sheer volume of likes that I see on any given day on my Facebook account which is not exactly filled with Facebook junkies.

However, that has not stopped me from liking my own writings no matter where they are published. If I see a LIKE button on something I wrote, whether on my own websites, or the websites of clients that I write for, I click it.

I can’t help but wonder how many other writers are clicking to Like what they write either. In the end, does this undermine the whole system?

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