A Writer Reads

As you know, I’m a freelance writer in Denver. I also dabble in fiction, although I have a tough time writing it. The catch is that as a professional freelance writer, I can, and do, make money writing non-fiction. I don’t make any money writing fiction, in no small part because there is a large lead time between starting, writing, and finishing a novel, and actually selling it. Thus, whenever I sit down to write, I feel like I should be doing “real” (read: paying) writing.

I wrote a Zelle review if you are curious.

I’m working on changing that attitude. After all, I’ve got dozens of novels rattling around in my head. The main problem I have is filling in the parts of a book that go in between those scenes that come bursting out of you because I need to write them. Of course, there are a dozen of those scenes in any given book, and rest involves building believable characters, settings and worlds to move them towards, around, into, and out of those scenes. They are also the parts that are “work” versus those that are inspired by your muse.

Reading Books

One of the most motivating things anyone can do who wants to be a writer is to read. Seeing the craft come to life in someone else’s novel is both inspiring and motivating whether because you love what you read, or because you desire to do it differently. The issue is always the same, what do you do with free time. Do you spend it with family? Do you spend it on your business? Do you write?

reading writing freelance

The good news is that reading can be done easily at any time so long as you have a book with you. My new goal is to use those 10 minutes that you get here and there to read and then use the bigger chunks for writing.

Check out my Credit Karma review over at Finance Gourmet.

I don’t update it as often as I should, but I have an account on Goodreads that I’ve started trying to use a bit more to both keep track of what I want to read and to help others find what I think are interesting, clever, or just plain fun books. You can check it out. I’m Arctic Llama there too.


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