Best White Noise For Focus

You are a writer. You need to focus and concentrate when you are writing. Unfortunately, the world is full of distractions, and while you can use a distraction-free editor to stop wandering fingers from opening Facebook or TikTok, the laughing kids, the noisy neighbors, and the wife’s conference calls will all vie for your attention via sounds that can never be fully blocked.

The solution? Use white noise to keep your writing focus.

best white noise

Best White Noise Machine

The best white noise machine isn’t a white noise machine at all. The problem with most white noise machines is that they offer a small selection of noises and sounds, none of which maintain the constant white noise you need to focus or sleep. Inevitably, the cup will get dropped in the kitchen when you are between thunderclaps. The neighbors gate will close in the lull between wave crashes.

So what is the best white noise machine? Here is my vote:

white noise air purifier

To be really effective white noise, a certain constant level of noise must be maintained. The best way of generating white noise like this is with an air purifier. For my money, the Hamilton Beach TrueAir Air Purifier is the best white noise machine money can buy. Ours has kept two kids asleep through near-downtown living, which a church (complete with bell) right behind us, and living in a tiny house with wooden floors. Steps often came with creaks, and dropping anything echoed through the house, but the constant sound of the air purifier fan kept them from waking up. When the kids grew up, I took it back to help me sleep through the night without hearing every sound in the house.

If you don’t like this one you can use any purifier. It is most important feature is different speed settings so that you can choose the level of white noise you like. Medium drowns out daytime noise, while just the low setting is enough for overnight.

Don’t Use a Fan as Your White Noise Machine

If you’re wondering what fan is the best white noise machine, you might want to think again.

If you need a fan, then use a fan, but a fan is for blowing air. While that may seem obvious, the problems with a fan as a white noise machine become apparent when you actually place it in the room and turn it on. Do you really want air blowing on you? If not where do you point the fan? Are there papers blowing in the fan air? Are other lightweight objects fluttering or pushed around? Even if you don’t point the fan at you, does it create a draft?

Air purifiers don’t need to direct a stream of air, so they don’t. You get the white noise you want, without the hassle of the windy room you don’t.

Best White Noise App

If you’ve got some headphones, a white noise app might be the better way to go.

For me, the best white noise app for desktop is the website It’s free, but chip in and donate if you can. When you do, they let you calibrate your headphones and save that calibration for later.

The site has hundreds of different white noise sounds. In fact, there are so many that it can quickly become a distracting rabbit hole where you spend hours finding just the right sound, if you aren’t careful. If you need to start writing and focus right now, I suggest the Tibetan Choir Singing Drone Generator. There is a single background noise that never stops (no losing your concentration when there is a lull in the sounds) coupled with a harmonic overlay that tricks your brain into thinking it is listening to new, flowing sounds at all time. (Trying to focus on just the background note is useful method of meditation if you have trouble emptying your mind.)

If you aren’t a fan of listening through the website, many noises have a link to play them via Spotify or Apple Music, or whatever.

In some cases Spotify, or another music player, is the best white noise app for concentration. Find the right playlist and BAM, white noise app.

Don’t forget. If you use white noise for your writing business you can deduct it.

Brian is a former Certified Financial Planner and financial advisor. The material provided on this website is for informational use only and is not intended for financial or tax advice.  ArcticLlama, LLC, and Brian Nelson, assume no liability for any loss or damage resulting from one’s reliance on the material provided. Please also note that such material is not updated regularly and that some of the information may not therefore be current. Consult with your own tax professional when making decisions regarding your tax situation.

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